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  1. Christ comes first in EVERYTHING!

    • Matthew 6:33 teaches us to seek first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added. ​​

  2. We not only strive for but also teach others to seek righteousness and how to deny the flesh in preparation for the coming of Christ, that we may present ourselves a living sacrifice, holy and expectable unto God.

    • The works of the flesh are the things that please us unrighteously and do not exemplify the character of Christ; the many things the Bible teaches us are against God.​​

  3. We put our faith and hope in Jesus Christ being the God of everything and that He is the one, true and living God who died for our sins, was buried in a tomb, and rose on the 3rd day that we may receive salvation through that belief.

  4. No amount of suffering can compare to the eternal joy we will receive in Christ Jesus, so we will endure through the pains of this world with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

  5. We are called to make disciples in every environment we reside in by serving others and showing love even when it's not displayed for us.

As Believers...

Ministry Responsibilities

1. To love and teach others how to love by putting away our anger and discord.


2. To deny the flesh and to teach only the word of God and truths that align with the word of God.


3. To shine our lights amongst the world and the darkness in it, that others will desire a relationship with Christ.


4. To create an environment of service all over the world, being selfless and kind to one another.


5. To fellowship with other likeminded Christians, in order to abstain from a lukewarm lifestyle

and to remain consistent in our studies and relationship with God.


6. Using our gifting, and any provided avenue to promote Christ and a lifestyle that glorifies God.


7. To teach responsibility and stewardship over all that God has given us dominion over.

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